Tuesday, October 21, 2008

-a broad study concerning the character structure of modern humans and the problems of the interaction between psychological and sociological factors

I want to inhabit a reality that does not exist. Where are the smoke-filled rooms brimming with intrigue? No simulation can cure these symptoms of absence. My life is meaningless. Perhaps others can see meaning in it, but I cannot. It’s funny in a way because I wouldn want JMac to kill himself. In fact, I’m constantly havin to talk him out of it. From a third-person perspective, suicide is horrible. It’s horrible to think that someone you know couldn’t find a reason to stay alive any longer. If he completes the act then one can’t help wonderin, “Was there something I could’ve said or done to change his mind?” I truly do want JMac to stay alive. He’s livin proof of rehabilitation. If JMac can stay good then any human can. I feel better bout the world jus knowin that he’s in it now.
But from a first person perspective, life feels awful. I mean it. I never feel whole. I always have Davidson’s theory of truth, which requires a theory of reference in order to get at meaning.
“Yes, yes, gentlemen, the damn libido,” he said.
Henry Corbin replies, “It is a matter of perceiving the same SIGNS together; it is a matter of each one of us on each occasion interpreting them according to the meaning of his own being, but it is also a matter of constituting a harmonious hermeneutics of signs.”
The Builidng-Block method isn’t helpful because it blurs the distinction between the meaning of a word and the meaning of a sentence.
“The whole affair is great sport for you, of course - it doesn’t matter to you.”
Henry Corbin again, “And this, at bottom, is only opening the living spring of unconditioned SYMPATHY, the sympathy that, existing before our deliberate and conscious purpose, causes the grouping of human beings.”
Is Davidson defending a kind of instrumentalism regarding satisfaction?
Corbin, “The result of the response to that sign was the meeting of acting, autonomous individualities, each in complete freedom revealing and expressing his original and personal way of thinking and being, outside of all dogmatism and all academicism; a constellation of those wills, and a constellation of the worlds that they bring with them, that they have taken in charge by putting them into the present...”
Davidson interrupts, “What we can observe is the sentence, not the individual references.”
I say, “How do you separate the word from the sentence?”
“But the director gets a noseful, believe you - muffled - believe you me.”
Corbin is still going on, “... A composite whole, a structure, not a result conditioned by the laws of the period or by fashionable crazes, but a whole made strong by its one inner and central norm: a woman’s generous, energetic, tenacious will, that of Mme Olga Froebe-Kapteyn, every year propounding a new theme and thus inviting to a new creation.”
We understand the whole in terms of the parts but this doesn’t mean that the parts get their meaning independently of sentences.
“Can I help it if phthisis is accompanied by increased concupiscence?”
Referential relationships do not stand on their own independently of the sentence.
“Slight roughness?”
Fodor takes the atomistic view that words get their meaning independently of sentences.
“I didn’t arrange things this way, but before you know what’s happened you’re running a cathouse.”
Does Davidson’s view lead to anti-realism?
“Diminished under the left shoulder.”
Davidson agrees with Quine that reference is inscrutable, though for different reasons.
“We provide analysis, a chance to talk things out - and a hell of a lot of good it does.”
Kretschmar has entered the examining room without anyone noticing.
“I advocate mathematics. Better here, the old sound is gone. Keeping onself occupied with mathematics. Better here, the old sound is gone. Keeping oneself occupied with mathemateics, I say, is the best medicine for cupidity.”
Kretschmar’s presence has not affected the attending physician’s countenance in the slightest.
“A bath, Room 117- private - and post a guard,” orders Kretschmar while putting on her glasses.
“The more the rhonchial pack talks things out the more lecherous they become. Prosecutor Paravant, who was severely afflicted, threw himself into math - he’s busy squaring the circle these days, and it has greatly eased his problem. But most of them are too dull-witted or too lazy for that, God help them. Vesicular. You see, I’m quite aware that young folks go to the dogs all too easily here, and I used to attempt to take occasional measures against their debauchery. But then one day some lad or lover looked me straight in the eye and asked what business it was of mine. And since then I’ve been only a doctor. Weak rattling, top right.”

We will be exploring several topics related to language and health, including a very close examination of depression and language. We will be looking for linguistic markers of depression that occur before the individual is aware of the depression. Also, we will be examining gender differences in daily writing and the implications of those differences in working memory.

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