Saturday, June 18, 2016


“I can retrace my own footsteps, along a path I thought I should never follow again except on the other side of life?
Looking through song lyrics?
To these, one by one, death is bringing rest. I have friends who are younger, and in particular younger than I. If you can’t spot the references then fuck you!”
Maro, slow her thoughts down a bit more…
Find the pattern. Better instructions. No confidence. Yes, I meant to make that spelling mistake.
“I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Looking this up for a moment: a 1992 abstract relates the case of a little girl who had been profoundly abused for the first four years of her life.
“There now, He’s going to spoil her for us again…”
Background Information
By the time the subject was presented to psychiatrists, she was unable to or would not hear, speak or see.

After careful examination, it was thought that there was no physical impairment or injury preventing her from communicating. The attending clinicians decided that the child had just chosen not to communicate.

A marvel of technology.
“They would speculate on the outcome of the disease, its crises and its temperature chart…”
That’s the key. Capture the proposition every time.
“And what if this one disappears too, what a lot of trouble it will give us, what a job to help her recover her balance!”
You put in your time however you put in your time.

Kretschmar’s Meta-Report:
For the most part she was completely passive. She would not eat, get dressed or clean herself, although she would allow these activities to be performed for her. When left to her own devices, she would just sit, stand or walk in a somnambulistic state.

Her only attachment was to a child’s toy abacus with which she had arrived. She compulsively fingered the beads of the abacus and would carry it with her everywhere she went. At night she would sleep with it. When attempts were made to separate her from the toy, she would become quite agitated and be inconsolable until the toy was returned to her. Our first hypothesis regarding this case study was that the subject was moving the beads of the abacus randomly.

Perhaps she had come to rely on this nervous habit as a source of comfort?

Extensive interviews were conducted with very little progress. However, once footage of her was closely scrutinized we realized that there was a distinctive pattern. Though she would not respond to any verbal requests or questions, we discovered that she repeated the same sequence on her abacus whenever she was asked the same question repeatedly over time.

We are discovering torture, one bullied victim at a time. How do we construct a better prison? But I digress…

After a period of time we were able to decipher a type of numerical grammar that the subject was using to communicate through her abacus.

Are we seriously ready for these ideas? I seriously think not, human.
Kretschmar, later that same day…

-new neuropsychological task, measuring salivary cortisol
-which memory processes affected by stress

Now speed it up again Maro, thanks.

“you know there are places, other places, nightmare places where everything has a place and a place where there is no place for you. This is hard to express and there is no point to his key knee board.”

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