Sunday, May 29, 2011

Doc is waking up. He mumbles something like, "I want to start off slow, ask for a 60-ouncer at first... Then I'll work my way up."
Now I must remind him where and when he is.
"Doctor Hubbleworth! Do you know what planet you're on?"
Trick question.
"Trick question, Carey. I may be dumb but I ain't stupid. We are smack dab in the middle of Crater Lake: one of the thirteen restricted hamlets on the moon."
"You got it, Clyde. In fact, you used to be the Chair of this town's Substance Education Committee, that is, until you started abusing your privileges, so to speak. Do you remember the events that brought you to this particular hospital bed?"
No reply at all. Well, it would all come out in time.